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导读: 大家了解多少英语广告词呢?在生活中我们可以通过关注英语广告词的方式学习英语哦!以下内容是为您带来的9篇《经典英语广告词》,希望可以启发、帮助到大朋友、小朋友们。英文的广告词篇一租房头条Doyou




英文的广告词 篇一


Do you have a room for rent? How much per month?

How many bedrooms? What's your address?

Could we make an appointment to visit your house?

how many sqr feet for your suite together?

what's the size of your living room?


semi-detached house 半独立式房子(一栋房子从中间隔开,成为两户人家,花园也用篱笆隔开)

detached house 独立式房子(一家拥有)

terraced houses/ row houses 连栋房屋(互相连接的一排房屋;两幢之间只有一层墙壁相隔)

fence 篱笆

front door 房子前门

garage 车库

driveway 车库通向马路的空地

Flat/Apartment (公寓)

block of flats 公寓楼

ground floor 第一层

first floor 第二层

lift/elevator 电梯

stairs 楼梯

steps 楼外的台阶

balcony 阳台

Renting (租房)

landlord 房东

rent 房租

House Leasing Contract 房屋合同

deposit 定金

furnished house/ apartment有家具的房子/公寓

unfurnished house/ apartment 无家具的房子/公寓

a vacant room/ a spare room 空房

single room 单人间

double room 双人间

utilities 水、电、煤气和垃圾处理等费用

flatmate 合住一套公寓的人;合租者

letting agency 房屋中介

agency fee 中介费

Room (房间)

cozy 温馨的

living room/lounge 起居室 ;客厅

bedroom 卧室

main bedroom 主卧

carpet 地毯

coffee table (置于沙发前的)茶几

armchair 单人沙发

sofa 沙发

remote control 遥控器

radiator 暖气片

central heating 中央供暖

fridge/ freezer 冰箱

kettle 电烧水壶

stool 厨房高脚椅

oven 烤箱

dishwasher 洗碗机

tap 水龙头

sink 洗碗池

cupboard 橱柜

shower 淋浴/冲凉

bath 浴缸

bathroom 卫生间

main bathroom 主卫

toilet 马桶

Buy a (an)flat/ apartment 买房

real estate 房地产

mortgage 按揭(指向银行借长期抵押贷款,用来买房子)

down payment 首付

completed apartment/flat 现房(指已建好供销售的房子)

forward housing delivery 期房

resold apartment 二手房

affordable housing 经济适用房

housing price 房价



Apartment For Rent

Quiet (near community park)

12 Renmin Rd, 10th fl

95 sq ms, 2-bed, 1-bath, 1-living; parking space

5000 yuan/month (utilities not included)

Call 5124-3698, Ms. Li


1. 这则广告的大意是:房屋出租/安静(靠近社区公园)/人民路12号10楼/95平米,两室一厅一卫/带车位/房租每月5000元(不含水电)/请致电5124-3698找李女士

2. 招租广告听起来是完整的,其实里面包含了很多缩写,在上面的招租广告中,就出现了很多缩写形式的词语。比如:人民路,写的是Renmin Rd, 10楼,写的是10th fl,平方米,sq ms等等。


A/C Air conditioning 空调

appl appliance(refrigerator, stove, dish washer, cloth washer, dryer) 家用电器 bachelor 一个只有一间房(同时作为睡房和起居室)的套间,里面另有洗手间浴室。


Basement/BSMT 地库/地下层

cable 有线电视

furn = furnished 带家具

hrdwd = hardwood 硬木地板

p/w 每周

p/m 每月

p.p. 每人

m/f 男/女

n/s or ns 不吸烟者

Excl 除外

Incl 包括

Furn 含家具

Unfurn 不含家具

dep.and ref. 押金和推荐信

Ch 中央暖气

Gch 煤气和中央暖气

Ech 电式中央暖气

w/m or w/mach 洗衣机

K&b 厨房与卫生间

nr.BR 靠近铁路

Dg 双层窗户

o.n.o. 最低价

studio = bachelor

U/G = underground parking 地下停车场

util = utilities 水电煤气


FINCE-WARDEN, lrg 2br bsmt, new reno bright, lndry, eat-in kit, w-o balc, close to HSR/shops. No smoke/pets, +, 1st/last. 222-2222 - leave mess. 讲解:

1. FINCH-WARDEN,这间房是位于或邻近Finch和Warden街交界处。

2. lrg 2br bsmt lrg=large,2br=two bedrooms,bsmt=It is in a basement (below ground)。 这是地下的两 房套间。(注意,两房是指两个睡房,洗手间,厨房,厅肯定是有的,所以不写出来)

3. new reno bright reno=renovation,最近才装修过,很光亮。

4. lndry, eat-in kit, w-o balc lndry=laundry,指有洗衣机干衣机,eat-in kitchen指厨房大,可在厨房里放饭桌吃饭。w-o balc=walk out to a balcony,指有扇门打开可通阳台。

5. close to TTC/shops靠近公共交通,购物商场。

6. No smoke/pets不接受吸烟或养宠物的租客。


8. 1st/last首尾两个月的租金必须先交作为定金。

9. 222-2222 - leave mess打电话222-2222留言联系房东。

有趣的经典英语广告标语 篇二

1、 Enjoy Coca-Cola.(Coca-Cola)请喝可口可乐。经典英文广告语可口可乐)

2、 Generation Next.(Pepsi)新的一代。经典英文广告语百事)

3、 The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection.(Lexus)追求完美永无止境。经典英文广告语凌志汽车)

4、 Communication unlimited.(Motorola)沟通无极限。经典英文广告语摩托罗拉)

5、 Feast your eyes.经典英文广告语Pond’s Cucumber Eye Treatment)滋润心灵的窗户。经典英文广告语庞氏眼贴片)

6、 Focus on life.(Olympus)瞄准生活。

7、 Behind that healthy smile,there ’s a Crest kid.(Crest toothpaste)健康笑容来自佳洁士。经典英文广告语佳洁士牙膏)

8、 Time is what you make of it.(Swatch)天长地久。经典英文广告语斯沃奇手表)

9、 Make yourself heard.(Ericsson)理解就是沟通。(爱立信)

10、 Engineered to move the human spirit.(Mercedes-Benz)人类精神的动力。经典英文广告语梅塞德斯-奔驰)

11、 Start Ahead.(Rejoice)成功之路,从头开始。经典英文广告语飘柔)

12、 A diamond lasts forever.(De Bierres)钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。经典英文广告语第比尔斯)

13、 Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Seven-up)提神醒脑,喝七喜。经典英文广告语七喜)

14、 Intel Inside.(Intel Pentium)给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。经典英文广告语英特尔奔腾)

15、 Connecting People.(Nokia)科技以人为本。经典英文广告语诺基亚)

16、 For the Road Ahead.(Honda)康庄大道。经典英文广告语本田)

17、 Let us make things better.(Philips)让我们做的更好。经典英文广告语飞利浦)

18、 our wheels are always turning.我们的车轮常转不停。(五十铃汽车)

19、 the world smiles with reader’s digest. 《读者文摘》给全世界带来欢笑。(《读者文摘》)

20、 one should love animals. they are so tasty.每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。


英文的广告词 篇三

Time like the past to erase the past, the contours of people gradually blurred in the years, afraid to remember your face, life from a little less miss. Most afraid of misty days in the rain and you say goodbye, but also afraid of the song gradually from the time the tears wet his eyes, could not bear to break up, but still be clear to see how you are gone.

Sad or happy, want to record these irreversible moments. Laugh, tears, kiss, do not .。. .。. only iphone4s can let me safely capture each memorable moment, which uses a new optical technology, with up to 800 million pixels camera, support 1080p HD high-definition camera, film art.

Slogan: excellent iphone, now even better.


You can choose from three options:

 Log in to our Apple Store online store, we will send your product to your home, free shipping,

Products that hand.

 Visit the Apple Store to purchase an iPhone, and we will activate it in the way you like

Set up the product.

 You can also purchase iPhone from China Unicom and specific Apple resellers.

iPhone 3GS:iPhone3gs,有千万个理由让你爱。

iPhone 4:再一次、改变一切 / 如果你没有iPhone,那么你就真的没有iPhone

iPhone 4S:出色的iPhone,如今更出色

iPhone 5:自iPhone以来又一次极其重大的飞跃,易惹人爱,所以众人喜爱



有趣的经典英语广告标语 篇四

1、 love is photogenic. it needs darkness to develop.爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

2、 good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦氏咖啡)

3、 a kodak moment.就在柯达一刻。(柯达胶卷)/share moments. share life. (柯达胶卷)

4、 started ahead.成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔洗发水)

5、 we integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

6、 the relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)

7、 poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

8、 where there is a way, there is a toyota.有路就有丰田车。(丰田汽车)

9、 when two‘s company,three‘s the result!两个人的状态是不稳定的,三个人才是!

10、 can’t beat the real thing.挡不住的诱惑。(可口可乐)

11、 things go better with coco-cola.(coco-cola)饮可口可乐,万事如意。(可口可乐)

12、 tide’s in, dirt’s out.汰渍到,污垢逃。(汰渍洗衣粉)

13、 “hard work never kills anybody." but why take the risk? ”努力工作不会导致死亡!不过我不会用自己去证明。

14、 “work fascinates me.” i can look at it for hours! "工作好有意思耶!尤其是看着别人工作。

15、 apple thinks different.苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。(苹果电脑)

16、 the taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

17、 from sharp minds, come sharp products.来自智慧的结晶。(夏普产品)

18、 mosquifo bye bye bye.(radar)蚊子杀、杀、杀。(雷达牌驱虫剂)

19、 success is a relative term. it brings so many relatives.成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系)。

20、 never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。

21、 connecting people.(nokia)科技以人为本。(诺基亚)

22、 we lead. others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

23、 not all cars are created equal.并非所有的汽车都有相同的品质。(三菱汽车)

英文的广告词 篇五

——连续五年,我们都杀入四强,却与冠军无缘 ——有人说,这是没有冠军命






——Five years. Final four. No championship.

——They said it was fate.

——We don't believe in fate.

——We believe, on the court, fight.

——Final four is not final.

——Meant to be conquered is the obstacle.

——Anta, keep moving.

最全经典英语广告语 篇六

1.Time is what you make of it.(swatch) 天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)

2.Make yourself heard.(ericsson) 理解就是沟通。(爱立信)

3.Engineered to move the human spirit.(mercedes-benz) 人类精神的动力。(梅塞德斯-奔驰)

4.Start ahead.(rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)

5.A diamond lasts forever.(de bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)

6.Fresh-up with seven-up.(seven-up) 提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)

7.Intel inside.(intel pentium) 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔奔腾)

8.Connecting people.(nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚)

9.For the road ahead.(honda) 康庄大道。(本田)

10.Let us make things better.(philips) 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦)

coca-cola.(coca-cola) 请喝可口可乐。(可口可乐)

next.(pepsi) 新的一代。(百事)

13.The relentless pursuit of perfection.(lexus) 追求完美永无止境。(凌志汽车)

14.Feast your eyes.(pond’s cucumber eye treatment) 滋润心灵的窗户。(旁氏眼贴片)

15.Focus on life.(olympus) 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)

16.Behind that healthy smile,there ’s a crest kid.(crest toothpaste) 健康笑容来自佳洁士。(佳洁士牙膏)

英文的广告词 篇七

French dress suits uniform kapok material, soft touch, coupled with charming embroidery, even more peerless grace! Vietnam embroidery dress to make you more slender and slim! India to open the slim dress of the young people, your fashion dress should go in that direction? Breasted dress

Curvy, extremely small Jasper's dignified! Indian silk dress

Cotton T-shirt to make you feel cool with a touch! India blended flower dress

Natural soft beauty, as if wearing a mysterious veil! India yarn quality dress

Light, soft, generous style, show your personal style! British dress

A new one, the European fashion! Ricky brand clothing

Romantic and comfortable French style! Ricky brand clothing

Variety color ------ Yadi's! Yadi's brand fashion

Everything from head to toe should be coordinated, Wee bok brand clothing and shoes to do this. Wee bok brand clothing

Hope eyes "wear", love to build clothing! Love build brand clothing

"Eagle" where soaring, you should follow where. Eagle clothing company

Personality style of the model. Eagle clothing company

Three nine cold can not stop, dressed in gold as the whole consumer cold!

英文的广告词 篇八

Agile and flexible, dynamic and dynamic show between the excellent style ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan

C gravity wave with you ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan

Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan

The most beautiful moment, in front of you - Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

Never forget the moment ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

Travel - ready to go on the road racing ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

Can be immersed in the enjoyment, without distraction ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

Show hidden beauty ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe

Can the passage of time better? Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe

Performance on the road - agility and timeless elegance - Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe

Free and smooth lines gathered in one place: with your heart ------- Mercedes-Benz CLS class coupe

The essence of the temptation ------- Benz CLS class coupe

Beyond the limits of a new generation of Mercedes - Benz E - class cars

Le Le alone as the music of the Mercedes-Benz luxury GL-class off-road vehicles

Sharp lines, interpretation of tough nature ------- Mercedes-Benz GLK-class luxury medium SUV

Born for the road, the road at the foot of the new Mercedes-Benz ------- M-class off-road vehicles

A world full of endless, from the beginning ------- Mercedes-Benz R-class "luxury sports station wagon" (Grand Sports Tourer)

Ahead, because the continuous forward ------- Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan

The future of security technology has been used in today's cars. ------- Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan

Conquer the target to climb the new peak ------- Mercedes-Benz SL roadster

From racing to car legend - Mercedes Benz SL roadster

Perfect to enjoy this touch ------- Mercedes-Benz SLK Roadster

Smile curve, so that everything becomes simple and clear ------- Mercedes-Benz SLK Roadster

Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. Dynamic poetry, dance to me.

Lead the times, control the future

The Future of the Automobile Engineered to move the human spirit

Wins endless

A long tradition and wonderful design, "beautiful eternal"

Never before, as before all

Fashion lines converge in your mind

The Ultimate Sports Car - The Combination of Tradition and Innovation

A great start

The best or nothing

英文的广告词 篇九


buick: in search of excellence.


mercedes-benz:engineered to move the human spirit.


toyota:poetry in motion, dancing close to me.


三菱汽车: 并非所有的汽车都有相同的品质。

buick: buick-your key to a better life and a better world. 别克轿车: 别克--通往美好生活的秘诀。

our wheels are always turning.

五十铃汽车: 我们的车轮常转不停。

mazda :harmony of style and performance set this new mazda 6 a part. qualities are at the heart of every mazda.





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